Tree Program
The Jackson SWCD has trees, shrubs and conifers available for conservation purposes. Trees can be ordered thought the year, however most orders are placed over the winter. The District for all practices provides technical/planning assistance and planting on larger orders for trees bought through the District.
Field Windbreaks - can be as little as one row, up to three rows. Field Windbreaks are eligible for the Continuous CRP and for the State Cost Share Program. There is a benefit from the windbreak of up to 50 times the height of the tallest tree planted. We’ve recently seen springs where soil has filled the skies of Jackson County. Field Windbreaks as well as residue management can reduce this significantly.
Living Snow Fences - can be planted along roads where a documented problem exists. The District administers the MNDOT program that is excellent for state highways. County and Township roads will be looked at on a case by case basis. There are several Living Snow Fences in Jackson County that are on well on their way to providing safer travel and saving money on snow removal.
Wildlife Habitat Plantings - in most Minnesota winters provide the last bit of habitat/cover available to many resident wildlife species. These plantings are primarily shrubs and evergreens.
Click here for Tree Program Policy
Click here for Tree Order Form