In Minnesota, local government services are funded primarily through property tax. The Jackson County Assessor’s office has a team of licensed appraisers who value, classify, and maintain data for all 10,500 parcels in the county. The assessment is the first step in a multi-year process in the determination of each property owner’s tax liability.
The staff is required by MN Statute to physically inspect each property at least once every 5 years. During the assessment of each property, it is essential for the staff to gather as much information about each property as possible. This aids in the equalization of property values to ensure each taxpayer in Jackson County is responsible for their fair share of the property tax burden. The cooperation the staff receives from each property owner is the most crucial element in this process.
The data each appraiser gathers during their inspections affects many aspects of the valuation/tax process. In conjunction with a fair and equalized assessment, this data is used to properly classify each property. This can significantly affect the tax liability for a property as Minnesota has numerous property classifications, each with their own classification rate. Furthermore, this information is used to qualify properties for any property tax programs they may be eligible to receive. The program we address most frequently is the homestead classification.
We are always willing to field any questions, review any data, or explain any of the processes in this complicated system. We sincerely feel the more education we can pass along to the public, the easier our jobs become. Please contact the Jackson County Assessor’s Office to review any of the concerns you may have.