Public Notice: Appointment to Heron Lake Watershed District Board of Managers
When:Pursuant to M.S. 103D.311, notice is hereby given that the term of Wayne Rasche, as a member of the Heron Lake Watershed District (HLWD) Board of Managers, will expire on February 24, 2025. The Jackson County Board of Commissioners will consider making an appointment at their regular meeting scheduled for January 21, 2025. Pursuant to M.S. 103D.311, individuals who are a voting resident of the HLWD in Jackson County, are not a public officer of the county, state or federal government (note: soil & water conservation district supervisor may be a manager) and are interested in being appointed to serve as a HLWD Manager, may submit a letter of interest and your name, address and phone number to the Jackson County Administrator, 405 4th Street, Jackson, MN 56143, or on or before January 17, 2025 at 4:30 p.m. Additional information can be obtained from the Jackson County Administrator at 507-847-4182.
Ryan KroschJackson County Administrator