Property Data
Select Property and Parcel Data is available for no charge from the Beacon system including parcel data and property tax data. Click here to access the Beacon system.
Jackson County has two types of data available for purchase:
- Tabular, text based data from the property tax and appraisal systems which can be formatted in either delimited text files or Excel spread sheets.
- GIS spatial data in the form of ESRI shape files..
In order to purchase data from Jackson County please be aware of the following information:
Requests must be made in writing using the forms that are available for download below. Both forms must be completed for each request. Please be as detailed as possible when describing your request.
Jackson County File Extract Disclaimer Statement.
Jackson County encourages customers to purchase full data sets rather than filtered subsets. Our fee schedule provides financial incentive for this and customers benefit from the ability to filter and sort data as they wish with the added bonus of having all data available if needed in the future.
- As of Dec. 12, 2012, the flat fee for full data sets of both tabular and the full GIS parcel layer is $100 each.
- Additional miscellaneous GIS layers are also sold at a flat rate of $100.
- Customers that request Jackson County to filter and/or sort data will be charged an additional fee at a rate of $30/hour with a minimum charge of 1 hour. Time required beyond the first hour will be billed in ¼ hour increments. A cost estimate will be provided once a completed request form is received by Jackson County.
- Data is only released upon receipt of full payment. Payment for data requests can be made by check payable to the: Jackson County Auditor/Treasurer.
For more information and your legal rights in regard to Data for the Public, please click here.